Monday, 18 September 2017

School Fundraisers

If your school needs more money, they might want to consider planning a school fundraiser. School fundraising is one of the best ways to earn money for a school. Fundraisers can be very profitable and are very easy to plan. The money you earn fundraising can be used to help a school budget or to pay for programs that would otherwise be too expensive.
Quick and Easy
Many people choose not to fundraise because they believe that school fundraisers will be too complex or difficult to plan. Most of the time school fundraisers can be planned quite easily. There are many great fundraising companies out there that will plan fundraisers for your organization. These companies often take care of everything that you will need. All you need to do is distribute the information, collect the sales and pass out products. By spending a few hours and encouraging students to sell, your school can earn thousands of dollars.
School fundraisers can also be very profitable. Many fundraising options don't require an initial investment which means that schools can start fundraising without having to spend any money. This means very little risk for the school, but huge potential for profits. Try to find a school fundraising provider that offers your school a portion of the money made on each item sold. For example if your school sells $1,000 worth of product your school may earn 50% or $500.
Rely on Volunteers
Volunteers are essential to a successful school fundraiser. Odds are that your school has many volunteers that would be willing to spend a little time helping the school to earn extra money. Volunteers can handle almost every aspect of the process from working with a fundraising company to collecting order forms and passing out products. When your school learns to rely on volunteers they will find that they can fundraise often and earn more money for the school.
Fundraise Often
The more fundraisers you hold the more money that your school will be able to earn. Don't make the mistake of holding just one fundraiser each year. By holding multiple fundraisers your school can increase their profits substantially. There are many different types of fundraiser available, so your school will have no problem finding several great choices. They can hold candy bar fundraisers, cookie dough fundraisers, catalog sales and more. When you fundraise often you increase the amount of money that your school can earn.
Use the Money Wisely
Once your school starts earning money through fundraising they will need to determine how the money is spent. Make sure that your school spends this money wisely. It can be used for many different purposes. Some schools spend their fundraising earnings on new technology equipment while other schools choose to fund after school programs like tutoring. Having a purpose in mind for your fundraising earnings will help you to find the best use for your money and to ensure that it is spent to benefit the students.

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