Wednesday, 22 March 2017

Software for Getting Free iPhone Ringtones

Free iPhone ringtones are easily gettable with the help of certain free software applications. So, you do not need to purchase ringtones for your iPhone anymore.
We are quite aware of the fact that there are numerous resources to get iPhone ringtones for a fee or charge, but you can actually get free iPhone ringtones from various sources these days. You can even get free ringtones for iPhone from iTunes library itself. But most of these free iPhone ringtones are 30-second versions. There are a whole lot of options that you can use to get ringtones for free especially for your iPhone.
In order to get free iPhone ringtones, you can use SSH/File Transfer, where all you need is to put a ringtone that is iPhone-iPod compatible inside the Ringtones folder of the Library and you can use the formats like AACs, MP3s and M4As easily. You can also use Windows compatible iBrickr, which is capable of transcoding old WAV media formats into an iPhone compatible format before you sync your iPhone.
Just like the SSH/File Transfer method, you can use iFuntastic, which is a Mac compatible application. With the help of this software application you can put a ringtone in the correct folder of the directory just by dragging it. You need to install App Tapp in order to use Sendsong, which will help you to pick and move any song of your choice from your iPhone to the ringtone section. These are some of the ways by which you can get free iPhone ringtones.
However, there are other options too for getting free iPhone ringtones from iTunes Music Store. You can put all the AAC media files into the proper ringtones directory with their proper file extensions. They also work with iTunes songs that you have purchased and also the ones that you have converted to AAC media format. MakeiPhoneRingtone from Rogue Ameoba, which takes the advantage of iTunes ringtone compatibility lets you get free iPhone ringtones by dropping AAC files.
There is also another option the iToner, which has the ability to copy ringtones directly to your iPhone without using iTunes. It is also capable of working with future updates of iPhone. Another popular software application is iPhoneRingToneMaker, which is compatible with Windows platform and helps to transfer songs to iPhone and also allows users to crop or edit long songs into shorter versions through its song editor. Using these methods you can get free ringtones for iPhone.

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