Monday 19 February 2018

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Disclaimer: Dies ist eine Demonstration von bdsm. Es dient Fortbildungszwecken und ist nicht als pornographisches Werk anzusehen. Damit ist diese Seite frei von pornographischen Inhalten, sodass du kein bestimmtes Alter haben musst um das hier zu lesen. Wenn du vorher…

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bdsm geschichten
sex education

Thursday 28 December 2017

The Benefits of Purchasing An Electric Bike

If you are considering purchasing a bicycle, you might want to take into consideration the possibility of obtaining an electric bike. Electric bicycles are the same as normal bikes except instead of being powered by the rider; it's powered by a small sized motor. According to a Pedego electric bike enthusiast, there are several advantages to owning one, including being environmentally friendly as well as being beneficial for your health.
The feeling of riding a bicycle, the wind blowing through your hair, the pedaling of your feet is something many people enjoy. But sometimes it takes too much energy to ride your bike especially if you are planning on going somewhere that's far. Many people resort to driving their car, which emits fuels, and especially in urban areas; you have to worry about finding a parking spot. And even if they do commit to riding their bike a long distance, they run the risk of becoming sweaty and smelly. But with an electric bike, none of these issues are a factor. You can get the same feeling as riding your bicycle without the hassle.
Most bikes with an electric motor come with a battery that charges similarly to an ordinary cell phone. This battery powers the small motor. On average, it costs only five cents to charge the entire battery and the charge lasts between 20 to 30 miles. On most e-bikes, you can reach a top speed of 20 mph. If you normally use your bike to commute to work, by using an electric bike you can reach work twice as fast as you normally would (and probably be less sweaty). If you take the bus to work, with an electric bike, you don't have to wait around for the bus. And best of all, you are not emitting any harmful fuel into the air by taking a bus or a car. Not to mention the fact that replacing your car with an electric bike to run errands will significantly decrease the amount of money you spend on gas. Electric bikes are the best environmentally friendly alternative method of travel.
Many people believe that having a motor on a bicycle will take away from the physical health benefits that a normal bike provides, but that is not the case. Many electric bicycles, including Pedego electric bikes, come with pedal assist or electric assist motors. This means, you still pedal like you would with a normal bike but the motor gives you an extra boost to travel faster. You get the speed and the exercise all in one. A lot of people find riding an e-bike more enjoyable than a normal bike and therefore use it more than the average bicycle. The more you use your electric bicycle the more exercise you will get but use less energy than a normal bike.
If you are actively looking for a bicycle then there's no doubt that purchasin

electric bike
electric bikes

Sunday 19 November 2017

Bitcoin: What Is It, and Is It Right for Your Business?

It's not an actual coin, it's "cryptocurrency," a digital form of payment that is produced ("mined") by lots of people worldwide. It allows peer-to-peer transactions instantly, worldwide, for free or at very low cost.
Bitcoin was invented after decades of research into cryptography by software developer, Satoshi Nakamoto (believed to be a pseudonym), who designed the algorithm and introduced it in 2009. His true identity remains a mystery.
This currency is not backed by a tangible commodity (such as gold or silver); bitcoins are traded online which makes them a commodity in themselves.
Bitcoin is an open-source product, accessible by anyone who is a user. All you need is an email address, Internet access, and money to get started.
Where does it come from?
Bitcoin is mined on a distributed computer network of users running specialized software; the network solves certain mathematical proofs, and searches for a particular data sequence ("block") that produces a particular pattern when the BTC algorithm is applied to it. A match produces a bitcoin. It's complex and time- and energy-consuming.
Only 21 million bitcoins are ever to be mined (about 11 million are currently in circulation). The math problems the network computers solve get progressively more difficult to keep the mining operations and supply in check.
This network also validates all the transactions through cryptography.
How does Bitcoin work?
Internet users transfer digital assets (bits) to each other on a network. There is no online bank; rather, Bitcoin has been described as an Internet-wide distributed ledger. Users buy Bitcoin with cash or by selling a product or service for Bitcoin. Bitcoin wallets store and use this digital currency. Users may sell out of this virtual ledger by trading their Bitcoin to someone else who wants in. Anyone can do this, anywhere in the world.
There are smartphone apps for conducting mobile Bitcoin transactions and Bitcoin exchanges are populating the Internet.
How is Bitcoin valued?
Bitcoin is not held or controlled by a financial institution; it is completely decentralized. Unlike real-world money it cannot be devalued by governments or banks.
Instead, Bitcoin's value lies simply in its acceptance between users as a form of payment and because its supply is finite. Its global currency values fluctuate according to supply and demand and market speculation; as more people create wallets and hold and spend bitcoins, and more businesses accept it, Bitcoin's value will rise. Banks are now trying to value Bitcoin and some investment websites predict the price of a bitcoin will be several thousand dollars in 2014.
What are its benefits?
There are benefits to consumers and merchants that want to use this payment option.
1. Fast transactions - Bitcoin is transferred instantly over the Internet.
2. No fees/low fees -- Unlike credit cards, Bitcoin can be used for free or very low fees. Without the centralized institution as middle man, there are no authorizations (and fees) required. This improves profit margins sales.
3. Eliminates fraud risk -Only the Bitcoin owner can send payment to the intended recipient, who is the only one who can receive it. The network knows the transfer has occurred and transactions are validated; they cannot be challenged or taken back. This is big for online merchants who are often subject to credit card processors' assessments of whether or not a transaction is fraudulent, or businesses that pay the high price of credit card chargebacks.
4. Data is secure -- As we have seen with recent hacks on national retailers' payment processing systems, the Internet is not always a secure place for private data. With Bitcoin, users do not give up private information.
a. They have two keys - a public key that serves as the bitcoin address and a private key with personal data.
b. Transactions are "signed" digitally by combining the public and private keys; a mathematical function is applied and a certificate is generated proving the user initiated the transaction. Digital signatures are unique to each transaction and cannot be re-used.
c. The merchant/recipient never sees your secret information (name, number, physical address) so it's somewhat anonymous but it is traceable (to the bitcoin address on the public key).
5. Convenient payment system -- Merchants can use Bitcoin entirely as a payment system; they do not have to hold any Bitcoin currency since Bitcoin can be converted to dollars. Consumers or merchants can trade in and out of Bitcoin and other currencies at any time.
6. International payments - Bitcoin is used around the world; e-commerce merchants and service providers can easily accept international payments, which open up new potential marketplaces for them.
7. Easy to track -- The network tracks and permanently logs every transaction in the Bitcoin block chain (the database). In the case of possible wrongdoing, it is easier for law enforcement officials to trace these transactions.
8. Micropayments are possible - Bitcoins can be divided down to one one-hundred-millionth, so running small payments of a dollar or less becomes a free or near-free transaction. This could be a real boon for convenience stores, coffee shops, and subscription-based websites (videos, publications).
Still a little confused? Here are a few examples of transactions:
Bitcoin in the retail environment
At checkout, the payer uses a smartphone app to scan a QR code with all the transaction information needed to transfer the bitcoin to the retailer. Tapping the "Confirm" button completes the transaction. If the user doesn't own any Bitcoin, the network converts dollars in his account into the digital currency.
The retailer can convert that Bitcoin into dollars if it wants to, there were no or very low processing fees (instead of 2 to 3 percent), no hackers can steal personal consumer information, and there is no risk of fraud. Very slick.
Bitcoins in hospitality
Hotels can accept Bitcoin for room and dining payments on the premises for guests who wish to pay by Bitcoin using their mobile wallets, or PC-to-website to pay for a reservation online. A third-party BTC merchant processor can assist in handling the transactions which it clears over the Bitcoin network. These processing clients are installed on tablets at the establishments' front desk or in the restaurants for users with BTC smartphone apps. (These payment processors are also available for desktops, in retail POS systems, and integrated into foodservice POS systems.) No credit cards or money need to change hands.
These cashless transactions are fast and the processor can convert bitcoins into currency and make a daily direct deposit into the establishment's bank account. It was announced in January 2014 that two Las Vegas hotel-casinos will accept Bitcoin payments at the front desk, in their restaurants, and in the gift shop.
It sounds good - so what's the catch?
Business owners should consider issues of participation, security and cost.
• A relatively small number of ordinary consumers and merchants currently use or understand Bitcoin. However, adoption is increasing globally and tools and technologies are being developed to make participation easier.
• It's the Internet, so hackers are threats to the exchanges. The Economist reported that a Bitcoin exchange was hacked in September 2013 and $250,000 in bitcoins was stolen from users' online vaults. Bitcoins can be stolen like other currency, so vigilant network, server and database security is paramount.
• Users must carefully safeguard their bitcoin wallets which contain their private keys. Secure backups or printouts are crucial.
• Bitcoin is not regulated or insured by the US government so there is no insurance for your account if the exchange goes out of business or is robbed by hackers.
• Bitcoins are relatively expensive. Current rates and selling prices are available on the online exchanges.
The virtual currency is not yet universal but it is gaining market awareness and acceptance. A business may decide to try bitcoin gold explorer  and btg explorer to save on credit card and bank fees, as a customer convenience, or to see if it helps or hinders sales and profitability.

Thursday 16 November 2017

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the need of the hour in this modern business world. Every business has an online presence, and enhancing the online market has become very important. SEO helps you stay ahead in the market by helping your websites rank higher in search engines and getting noticed. It is a complicated technology and needs specialists to help you remain at the top. There is a lot of demand for SEO executives these days and SEO training is the hottest course today. Skilled search engine optimization experts are in demand all over the world. Not just large scale industries, even smaller businesses are hiring SEO services to boost their company’s business.
Why Should You Join a SEO Course?
  • SEO techniques are essential for improving the visibility of your business website in the natural search engine results. To have an online presence it is necessary to understand the fundamentals of search engine optimization.
  • The SEO training course will help you become a great SEO consultant. Usually most of the experts are self made. They have perfected themselves over time and experience. But, if you join a course, you will be taught everything before hand and there will be less to learn over experience. By the time you finish the course, you would have become an SEO professional.
  • If you own a company, attending the SEO training and learning techniques yourself will cost you less than hiring an SEO consultant. It is an economically feasible option.
  • If you have a small business, learning basic SEO skills can save you lots of money and trouble.
  • Even when you are hiring an expert, basic knowledge about SEO is very essential if you are running a company online.
  • Once you have learnt the tricks of the trade in the training, you can stay ahead of the competition and expand your business worldwide.
Who All Can Join the SEO Training Institute?
  • People who have their own business
  • People who have a personal or business website
  • Journalists
  • SEO consultants
  • work-at-home moms
  • freelance writers
  • Professional copywriters
  • Bloggers
  • Students
How to Search for the Best SEO Training Centers?
  • There are very few SEO training courses available. These courses are not taught in schools and colleges. You can find SEO training classes – Search for a course which is taught by real professionals. People who are actually experts in the field and doing it as a job can teach you well about the topic. They will give you first hand information about the subject. Fresh knowledge and great experience are both important.
  • Learn about the fee structure beforehand. The course usually comes as a package.
  • Get to know about the course structure and who designed it.
  • The training should be up to date and involve all new updates. Repeating the same old tricks is not useful.
An authentic SEO course will teach you every tested and proven technique. Choose the course wisely and enjoy being an SEO expert

How to Read an Aeronautical Chart

Aeronautical charts are vital to flight navigation because they help pilots to ascertain destination routes, locate alternative landing zones and determine an aircraft's position. Aeronautical charts serve as sky maps in much the same way as nautical charts are used by sailors to chart their progress and location.
Lots of useful information is provided on aeronautical charts, such as radio frequencies and the key visual details for airspace boundaries. There are also charts specific for trans-oceanic flights, as well as many other charts for other specific uses. Pilots cannot afford to ignore the importance of aeronautical charts and so they need to master the art of reading them.
Reading an Aeronautical Chart
A great deal of understanding is required about the different aspects of aeronautical charts. It's also necessary to understand the scale differences because almost all aeronautical charts look similar, with the scale being the major distinction in most cases.
To fully understand the basics of reading an aeronautical chart, the following tips will help you immensely. For this example, we have used a sectional chart, charts which have a scale of 1:500,000.
1. In any sectional chart, it's important that you understand which sectionals are used in order to comprehend both the departure and destination point, as well as any waypoints between them. Make sure you select the right sectional at the beginning so that there are no misunderstandings later on.
2. Sectional charts contain both a legend and lots of detailed topographical information. You will need to be able to comprehend the chart's legend and understand the chart's symbols, which give important information about airport data, restricted areas, mountainous areas, any flight obstructions and so on.
3. You should also be able to make use of a plotter in order to make sure they are on the correct course during flight.
4. One of your prime responsibilities while flying is the analysis of topographical data. The sectional chart should provide detailed information, which is presented in color scales ranging from seal level, to green, to brown. Brown marks altitudes that are over 12,000ft. The maximum altitude should also be marked in a numerical format on the sectional chart, so there should be no problems at all when it comes to understanding it.
5. While flying, you will need to keep an eye out for warnings or restricted areas that are plotted on the sectional chart, so you can avoid overflying them. There are different symbols used to mark restricted areas, but they usually always show hashed blue lines, which indicates that the area is restricted for military operations. Should a pilot accidentally stray into a restricted area, it is wise to reroute as soon as possible.
6. Understanding longitude and latitude is as important as knowing the degrees and minutes that are plotted on the chart. During flight, you will need to make a note of any geographic features, such as towns, major roads etc. These should be marked on the chart, serving as landmarks.
So long as you can ascertain the tips above, you will be able to quickly master the art of reading an aeronautical chart. The most important thing is knowing what you should be looking for and how to identify that data. Darel Lynwood Long and Aeronautics

Tuesday 14 November 2017

How to Make Money With Motor Club of America

Millions of people are looking for ways on how to make money from home. Motor Club of America created a new way to sit at home and make money in the process.
I'm not saying that you will just have to sit at home, not do anything else and the money will just come to you. You will still have to work to get the money. But you will no longer have to spend hours each day to drive to your office. You will set your schedule and become your own boss.
How to make money from home with Motor Club of America is really possible and not that hard. Here's what you have to know about this business opportunity:
#1: Motor Club of America has more than 86 years of business experience.
We are talking here about one of the greatest American companies. The age of the company shows that it's a great company that will likely last for years to come.
#2: The new Associate Referral Program is an affiliate marketing opportunity.
Many people say that the new "Associate Referral Program" is a network marketing opportunity. They are wrong. It's actually more of an affiliate marketing opportunity. You sell a product that you didn't create and you will earn a commission as a result. You don't have to build your own network of people "under you", you don't milk them each month like you would normally do in a network marketing opportunity.
#3: Motor Club of America sells real products.
This shows you that it's not a scam. Motor club of America offers plenty of benefits. Let's say that your car gets destroyed 50 miles from the nearest city. Motor of America will go there and help you out.
#4: You don't have to pay anything in advance to join the program.
To become a member of Motor Club of America you need to pay $19.95 per month. Find a person who wants to become a member of the club and you will make $80 when they join the club. In this way, you will get your money back and enjoy the services offered by Motor Club of America for free.
#5: When one of your friends prepay $40, you will get $80 the next week.
This is how the referral system works. It's simple and profitable.
#6: The more sales you make, the higher commissions you get paid.
If you do up to 5 sales per week, your commission is $80 for each new member you sign up. If you bring more than 30 members in a week, you will get $90 for each new member. It can become a lucrative business. Just make 3 sales, each day, 6 days per week and you will make $1548 dollars in profit per week. That's because when you refer between 15 and 19 members per week, you get $86 for each new member you help sign up. Repeat the process each week and you will earn in gross more than $80,000 per year. Do you make less or more than $80,000 per year in gross?
#7: The members you refer get a lot of goodies for their money.
The membership works like an insurance. The risk is spread and not all of the members need to be served each month. This is why the people who need to be served will receive a service that will be much more valuable than their tiny $20 monthly payment.
#8: You can do everything from home.
You just need to talk to people and encourage them to become members of the Motor Club of America. You don't have to work in an office to work in an office and to wear a fancy suit to do this.
How to make money from home with Motor Club of America represents a great business opportunity. The economy is in recession and it's going to continue to be in recession for years to come. This is why you should take this opportunity and try it out. See if it's for you, make money in the process and learn new things. Enjoy it!
If you’ve been on the highway and had your vehicle stall out on you, or if you had a tire blow and you didn’t have a spare, then you know what it’s like to need MCA roadside assistance in an emergency situation. Now, what if that was your daughter stuck on the highway alone, and you’re traveling out of town and can’t get to her. What if you can’t reach her? That’s where MCA Motor Club Of America emergency road service comes in.

Motor Club Of America
Motor Club America
motor club
America motor club

How to Make Money With Motor Club of America

Millions of people are looking for ways on how to make money from home. Motor Club of America created a new way to sit at home and make money in the process.
I'm not saying that you will just have to sit at home, not do anything else and the money will just come to you. You will still have to work to get the money. But you will no longer have to spend hours each day to drive to your office. You will set your schedule and become your own boss.
How to make money from home with Motor Club of America is really possible and not that hard. Here's what you have to know about this business opportunity:
#1: Motor Club of America has more than 86 years of business experience.
We are talking here about one of the greatest American companies. The age of the company shows that it's a great company that will likely last for years to come.
#2: The new Associate Referral Program is an affiliate marketing opportunity.
Many people say that the new "Associate Referral Program" is a network marketing opportunity. They are wrong. It's actually more of an affiliate marketing opportunity. You sell a product that you didn't create and you will earn a commission as a result. You don't have to build your own network of people "under you", you don't milk them each month like you would normally do in a network marketing opportunity.
#3: Motor Club of America sells real products.
This shows you that it's not a scam. Motor club of America offers plenty of benefits. Let's say that your car gets destroyed 50 miles from the nearest city. Motor of America will go there and help you out.
#4: You don't have to pay anything in advance to join the program.
To become a member of Motor Club of America you need to pay $19.95 per month. Find a person who wants to become a member of the club and you will make $80 when they join the club. In this way, you will get your money back and enjoy the services offered by Motor Club of America for free.
#5: When one of your friends prepay $40, you will get $80 the next week.
This is how the referral system works. It's simple and profitable.
#6: The more sales you make, the higher commissions you get paid.
If you do up to 5 sales per week, your commission is $80 for each new member you sign up. If you bring more than 30 members in a week, you will get $90 for each new member. It can become a lucrative business. Just make 3 sales, each day, 6 days per week and you will make $1548 dollars in profit per week. That's because when you refer between 15 and 19 members per week, you get $86 for each new member you help sign up. Repeat the process each week and you will earn in gross more than $80,000 per year. Do you make less or more than $80,000 per year in gross?
#7: The members you refer get a lot of goodies for their money.
The membership works like an insurance. The risk is spread and not all of the members need to be served each month. This is why the people who need to be served will receive a service that will be much more valuable than their tiny $20 monthly payment.
#8: You can do everything from home.
You just need to talk to people and encourage them to become members of the Motor Club of America. You don't have to work in an office to work in an office and to wear a fancy suit to do this.
How to make money from home with Motor Club of America represents a great business opportunity. The economy is in recession and it's going to continue to be in recession for years to come. This is why you should take this opportunity and try it out. See if it's for you, make money in the process and learn new things. Enjoy it!
If you’ve been on the highway and had your vehicle stall out on you, or if you had a tire blow and you didn’t have a spare, then you know what it’s like to need MCA roadside assistance in an emergency situation. Now, what if that was your daughter stuck on the highway alone, and you’re traveling out of town and can’t get to her. What if you can’t reach her? That’s where MCA Motor Club Of America emergency road service comes in.

Motor Club Of America
Motor Club America
motor club
America motor club